The one previously mentioned rule we still want to incorporate is “show, don’t tell.” [1] Having only music and sound effects playing throughout shows how significant sound can be. We plan on telling a story so well that it is understood without using any dialogue. We then considered what it is we want our film to do for viewers. From the beginning, the main thing I want this short to accomplish is to tell a message. In order to do this, we had to come up with some messages/lessons and possible stories/scenarios:
- If it’s meant to be, it will be
- If you want it to happen, nothing will stop you (a man tries to get a women’s attention and overcomes several obstacles to get it)
- Accept everybody’s past
- “Make every day count” [2] (show a repetitive routine, then new things are tried and happiness is finally found)
- “It’s never too late” [3] (to do the right thing? To get rid of bad habits? To meet ‘the one’? To change your life around?)
After many life lessons, two caught my attention: “It will pass” and “Change is good.” [4] “It will pass” tells people that nothing bad will ever last and sadness goes away. “Change is good” implies that getting outside of your comfort zone is good and changes can bring opportunity. Combining these two lessons gave me the idea to show how there is always some good in the bad! Change can be scary and make fear/sadness appear never-ending, but it won’t last and positivity is still present. Looking for the light in all of the bad can send audiences an important message, while giving us freedom to create an interesting short film.[1]
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