Thursday, February 21, 2019

It's Nice to be Back !!

     Welcome back to my blog! I'm Valentina Lesende and if you didn't read my last year's blog, here you go: This year I have partnered up with Nicolas Monaco on this journey. If you joined me last year, you know that my partner left school halfway through the project and it was quite difficult, so hopefully this time around it will be a lot better! I am ready to face all of the new obstacles and challenges ahead of me.
     Since I chose to create a film opening for my AS Level Foundation Portfolio and loved most of the process, I have chosen to continue this path, although more challenging: a short film! Since my partner has been absent, I had to start brainstorming alone. I came up with some different ideas, which may change once he returns and provides another perspective, but am quite set on the genre. This time around I have decided to move on from the horror genre and on to the romance genre.
     "Romantic films make the love story or the search for love the main plot focus." [1] However, it not only shows the journey, but brings light to the obstacles and hardships that must be overcome. From destructive love to forbidden, obsessive love, this genre provides huge freedom to create endless possibilities and outcomes. Many romantic short films have become popularized over the years including Hotel Desire (2011), Hotel Chevalier (2007), La Jetée (1962), and Sweat (II) (2015). [2] Although I have considered many possibilities including romantic dramas, romantic comedies, and historical romances, I have set my eye on romantic thrillers. "It is a genre of movie that has a storyline mixing with elements of romantic movie and a thriller genre." [3] The example of The Bodyguard and other films I have seen over the years have intrigued me towards this sub-genre.
     Although still quite unsure on what I want the story to be/tell, I now have somewhat of an idea on what my genre will be, which is a start!


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